Sales & Business Growth for Busy Women | How to make more sales, have more time, and grow your business

Sales & Business Growth for Busy Women | Small Business, Sales Skills, Business Growth, Lead Generation, Lead Management, Time Management for Women Entrepreneurs How to make more sales, have more time and grow your business. That’s what we all want, right? This is your go-to podcast for actionable insights and strategies to scale your business and boost your sales. Are you an entrepreneur who: --> Struggles to meet your sales goals despite working really hard? --> Feels like you’re working 24/7 but not seeing the growth you desire? --> Wants to learn sales skills and business strategies that align with your core values? --> Feels exhausted with trying to grow a social media following? --> Feels like you don’t have enough time in the day for your business let alone having a life? --> Wants to stop hustling? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Lindsay Fletcher! I’m an award-winning medical device sales rep turned small business owner. I’m here to help you develop SOLID sales skills and strategies, including lead generation, lead management, time and task management, and overall business growth strategies — all with less stress, more time, and stronger relationships. In this podcast, you’ll discover: * How to sell your services and products * How to close more sales * How to grow your business * How to generate leads * How to manage leads * How to manage your schedule and tasks as an entrepreneur I teach proven sales strategies and business growth tactics, effective methods for generating and managing leads, and how to manage your time with tips that actually work and support business growth. My mission is simple: To provide you with practical sales tools and business strategies that save you time, make your life easier, and help you create a thriving future for you and your family. Ready to say “YES!” to business growth and mastering sales? I’m excited to hear from you! Please send questions, comments, and feedback to Check out my website at Entrepreneurs | Small Business Owners | Sales Training for Entrepreneurs | Business Growth Strategies | Lead Generation | Lead Management | Time Management for Female Entrepreneurs | Sales Skills Development for Women | Business Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs | Business Leaders | Sales Confidence for Women | Entrepreneurship Tips for Women | Work-Life Balance for Female Business Owners | Client Relationship Management

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Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

Hello there!  Welcome back to the show!  In today's episode, we are talking about objections and the 5 things that you need to know about them as a small business owner. Objections get a bad wrap - they hold a negative connotation and something to be avoided.  I hope my guidance will change your mind about objections and help you understand that they are actually an opportunity to learn more about your customer and their needs, and that it's a sign that they trust you! These 5 things are vital to understanding what an objection really is and what steps to take to overcoming them.  
As always, I'm praying for business!
My best,
Have questions about today's topic or want to connect with me?  Email me at
I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Hey friend!  Thanks for joining me again on Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  Today's episode is a quick one!  We are talking about the number 1 thing you must do, like non-negotiable-have-to-do, before your next sales meeting or sales conversation. It's so simple, but so often avoided or just plain disregarded: PREPARE for your sales meeting! If you don't know where to get started with this, I'm sharing 3 ways to prepare for your next sales meeting or sales conversation so you go into it with confidence! I'm praying for your business!
My Best,
Want to connect or have questions?  Email me at 

Tuesday Aug 29, 2023

Hey friend!  Welcome back to the Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  Today I'm talking about buying styles and how we can effectively communicate with each of the 4 buying styles. Buying Styles can also be called Decision Making Styles, and each one of us have a dominant style followed by a secondary style. The magic happens when we identify our (potential) customer's buying style and tailor our message to their buying style, not our own.  I'd love to hear from you - which buying style are you?
My best,
Have sales questions or want to connect? Email me!

Friday Aug 25, 2023

Hi there!
I'm so glad you're back for another episode!  What do you immediately think about when you hear the word "sales"?  Well, I'm here to flip the script on what selling actually is, how your definition could be holding you back, and challenge you to change your definition of sales so you can see growth in your small business!  I'm praying for you and your business!
My best,
Want to connect or ask me a question? 
Email me --> 

Friday Aug 25, 2023

Hey friend!
In this episode, I share a bit about my background in sales - where I've been and where I am now - and my people-focused sales method. Then, I share four ways to put people first while selling your offer.  Let's put people first in selling our products and services, bring value to their lives, and get paid for it!  I'm praying for your business!
My best,
Want to connect or ask questions?  Email me! 

Thursday Aug 24, 2023

Hey Friend!
Welcome to the Small Business Sales and Strategy Podcast.  In this episode, I share my heart behind this podcast, a little bit about what to expect in future episodes, and a little bit about my faith.  I'll help and guide you in growing your business with Bible-based business principles and people-focused sales strategy that is repeatable and proven to work.  I'm praying for your business!
My Best,
Want to connect or have questions?  Email me at!


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