Sales & Business Growth for Busy Women | How to make more sales, have more time, and grow your business

Sales & Business Growth for Busy Women | Small Business, Sales Skills, Business Growth, Lead Generation, Lead Management, Time Management for Women Entrepreneurs How to make more sales, have more time and grow your business. That’s what we all want, right? This is your go-to podcast for actionable insights and strategies to scale your business and boost your sales. Are you an entrepreneur who: --> Struggles to meet your sales goals despite working really hard? --> Feels like you’re working 24/7 but not seeing the growth you desire? --> Wants to learn sales skills and business strategies that align with your core values? --> Feels exhausted with trying to grow a social media following? --> Feels like you don’t have enough time in the day for your business let alone having a life? --> Wants to stop hustling? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Lindsay Fletcher! I’m an award-winning medical device sales rep turned small business owner. I’m here to help you develop SOLID sales skills and strategies, including lead generation, lead management, time and task management, and overall business growth strategies — all with less stress, more time, and stronger relationships. In this podcast, you’ll discover: * How to sell your services and products * How to close more sales * How to grow your business * How to generate leads * How to manage leads * How to manage your schedule and tasks as an entrepreneur I teach proven sales strategies and business growth tactics, effective methods for generating and managing leads, and how to manage your time with tips that actually work and support business growth. My mission is simple: To provide you with practical sales tools and business strategies that save you time, make your life easier, and help you create a thriving future for you and your family. Ready to say “YES!” to business growth and mastering sales? I’m excited to hear from you! Please send questions, comments, and feedback to Check out my website at Entrepreneurs | Small Business Owners | Sales Training for Entrepreneurs | Business Growth Strategies | Lead Generation | Lead Management | Time Management for Female Entrepreneurs | Sales Skills Development for Women | Business Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs | Business Leaders | Sales Confidence for Women | Entrepreneurship Tips for Women | Work-Life Balance for Female Business Owners | Client Relationship Management

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Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Welcome back, friend!  Today's episode is a quick one but a very important topic as we close out 2023.  How did you spend your precious time over the past year?  In today's episode I use an analogy of a jar that holds rocks and sand, but it is important what order you put the rocks, pebbles and sand into the jar so they all fit.  The same goes for you calendar.  Reviewing your calendar is imperative to evaluating your time and your business and I want you to start 2024 off on the right foot!  Categorizing your task into "revenue generating tasks (must do's to create income)", "essential tasks" (have to do's), and "non-essential tasks" (those that don't absolutely have to get done) will help you evaluate where to spend more of your time based on your goals for 2024.  Want to grow? Spend more time on revenue generating activities.  Want to say the same? Spend your time in similar ways.  So get to it ladies!  Review those calendars!  
Need help with your sales and marketing strategy for 2024?  Grab a Sales & Marketing Strategy Session with me in December for a steal of a deal - schedule a Connection Call here!
Learn more about training opportunities for you and your team *Unleash Strategic Curiosity* and *PEOPLE Focused Sales Method* here -->
Want to connect?
Join my *FREE* Facebook Community for Women here -->
Email me at
I'm praying for your business!

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Hey hey!  Last week I shared about my mental health journey and ways that I have found to manage stress, check in with myself, and triggers that can lead to a downward trajectory.  In today's episode, I talk with Rachael Reed, LMFT and LPC, a licensed counselor in the state of Texas, about small business ownership and stress management.  She walks us through some tactical ways to self-evaluate, take back control of our days, and offer ourselves a dose of self compassion. 
Rachael is the owner of Empower and Elevate here in the North Houston area and offers counseling for those living in the state of Texas as well as coaching services outside of Texas.  She has grown her practice and expanded at lightning speed, so she is fully aware of the struggles of a small business owner from a personal perspective as well.  
Join my *FREE* Facebook Business Community for Women --> CLICK HERE
I hope you enjoy this episode and as always, I'm praying for you and your business!
My best,
Links from today's show:
Empower & Elevate on Instagram 
Book Recommendation: Set Boundaries Find Peace
Planner: Full Focus Planner

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Today's topic is near and dear to my heart.  As a mental health advocate and someone who has struggle with post partum depression and anxiety, this is something that I believe needs to be discussed in the Small Business world.  Small business ownership is hard and stressful at times, so we need ways to manage. 
In this Part 1 (of 2) episode, I share what has helped me take control over my mental health and how I continue to manage it so that I don't fall into a depressive or anxious state. 
Next week's episode (Part 2) will also launch on Wednesday where I will have a clinically trained, certified therapist to walk us through managing stress and as small business owners.
Scriptures referenced:
Psalm 42:5 
2 Cor 1:8
Not mentioned but important: the book of Lamentations
Join my *FREE* Facebook Community for Business Women HERE!
I'm praying for you and your business!
My best,

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Hi friends! Today's episode is such a treat for me and I hope it is for you too!  My friend Kari Andrews, host of  Becoming a Virtual Assistant , joins me to talk about networking, relationship building and marketing, and how to get new clients.  This episode is the second part of our conversation. The first part of this conversation is on how to pitch yourself and you can find that episode on Kari's podcast!  
Join my *FREE* Facebook Community for Business Women here -->
You can connect with Kari on Instagram @thekariandrews!  
I'm praying for you and your business!
My best,

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Hello friends!  Last week we talked about social media in terms of how often your content is shows to your audience, how short attention spans can be, and how to effectively catch the attention of your target market.  In today's episode, I share how often a buyer needs to see your content before they know your business or service or product exists before they know they can buy from you.  Match that information with short attention spans and algorithms and we know we have to be clear and concise with our messaging.  We do that by creating social media content pillars that we will use to decide our content.  I discuss what they are and give examples of content pillars that you can use.  Once you have your content pillars, you can map out your social media marketing plan for the week, month, quarter, or even year! 
Want to connect?  Join my *FREE* Facebook Community for Women Small Business Owners HERE!
I'm praying for you and your business!  
My best,

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

Welcome to Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast where we talk about people-focused sales, marketing and business strategies!  Today's episode is about social media marketing and how to reach the right clients.  How do you reach your ideal customer when attention spans are so short and content is delivered to a fraction of your audience? In today's episode, I discuss two important steps in creating content for social media marketing that will resonate with your ideal customers (and their short attention spans!) and get them reaching out to you!
Join my *FREE* Facebook community of like-minded women by CLICKING HERE!  Extra content & freebies are inside!
I'm praying for you & your business!
My best,

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023

Hello friend!  Have you ever been asked "What do you do?" and you walked away from the conversation wishing you could go back and have a re-do?  Well, I've got you! Today's show is all about Elevator Pitches - what it is and why we need one.  Then I walk you through 4 easy steps to creating your own great elevator sales pitch.  We only get one first impression, so let's take your elevator pitch to the next level!  
I'd absolutely LOVE to connect with you!  Please join our new *FREE* Facebook Community by Clicking Here!  
My Best,

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

Hello!  Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy!  In today's episode, we are talking about sales and marketing strategy and I'm on a little bit of a soap box.  There is this misconception in business that we can slap up a website and/or open the doors to a business and the right people will just find you and show up to buy. Well, that is absolutely false.  If you aren't talking about your business, you can't expect anyone to know about it.  You certainly can't expect them to talk about it.  So in this episode, I share 3 ways to get your business out there and noticed: 1. How to use Social Media to build trust, 2. How getting involved in your community can lead to business growth, and 3. How networking and relationship building can lead to personal and business growth.  These 3 things have helped us grow month over month for over a year, and they will help you too. I'll say it again - if you aren't talking about your business, no one is talking about your business.  So get out there and start the conversation!
I'm praying for your business!
My best,
Want to connect?  Have sales skills or strategy questions? Not sure what to do next in your business? 
-->Email me at
--> Join my FREE community by clicking here!

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

Hello friend!  I'm so happy you are back for another episode of my podcast!  Today, I dive into how emotion impact decision making, specifically consumer behavior and buying habits.  As adults, we make nearly 35,000 decisions each day and 95% of those decisions are emotional decisions.  That leaves us with only 5% of decisions being made with logical or rational thought.  Emotion is one major element of being a human that we can't miss when we are selling our service or product. It's the thing that you might be missing in your sales and marketing campaigns that are leaving you with lack-luster results.  If you are looking to grow your business and close more sales, emotion is where the magic happens!
As always, thank you for listening, and I'm praying for your business!
My best,
Have questions or a topic you'd like to know more about? Email me at
Scripture Reference:
Phil 2:3-4 (NIV)- Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023

Hey Friend!  In episode 5 we talked all about what objections are: opportunities to learn more, serve better, and ways to build trust.  This week, we (me + you) are talking about the 5 most common objections in sales.  With each type of objection, I'll share some insider sales knowledge on how to handle and some things to be aware of when they come up! 
My best,
Questions on today's topic? 
Need prayer over your business or direction and strategy?
Want to hear my take on a certain sales topic? 
Email me at I'd love to connect with you!


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