Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

8. Sales & Marketing Strategy | 3 Ways to Get Your Business Noticed

Hello!  Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy!  In today's episode, we are talking about sales and marketing strategy and I'm on a little bit of a soap box.  There is this misconception in business that we can slap up a website and/or open the doors to a business and the right people will just find you and show up to buy. Well, that is absolutely false.  If you aren't talking about your business, you can't expect anyone to know about it.  You certainly can't expect them to talk about it.  So in this episode, I share 3 ways to get your business out there and noticed: 1. How to use Social Media to build trust, 2. How getting involved in your community can lead to business growth, and 3. How networking and relationship building can lead to personal and business growth.  These 3 things have helped us grow month over month for over a year, and they will help you too. I'll say it again - if you aren't talking about your business, no one is talking about your business.  So get out there and start the conversation!


I'm praying for your business!

My best,



Want to connect?  Have sales skills or strategy questions? Not sure what to do next in your business? 

-->Email me at smallbusinesssalesandstrategy@gmail.com

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