Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

22.How to Provide Excellent Customer Service

Hey there! Welcome back to Small Business Sales & Strategy podcast!  I'm so happy you are joining me for our 22nd episode!  Today, we are talking about customer service as a part of your sales process. 


How many times have you called a company about a bill or a problem and you are sent through an automated system only to end up frustrated because you can't actually talk to a human?  Many times, right?  


Well, I believe that being a small business has it's advantages and providing excellent customer service is where we can thrive!!!  Providing excelling customer service can turn prospects into new customers and later into long-term customers. Small businesses have this opportunity to build the like-know-trust factor quickly!  Today, I talk about two ways to provide excellent customer service as well as a couple of bonus tips too.


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Need sales training or a speaker for your business event?  Have a question about sales?  Email me at hello@lindsayfletcher.co! I look forward to hearing from you!


My Best,


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