Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

20. Delegating in Small Business

Welcome to the 20th Episode of Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  I cannot believe we are at 20 episodes already!!! Time flies when you are having fun!


Today's episode is about delegation in small business. In our small business, we have been evaluating our daily, weekly and monthly tasks, and where we can do a better job.  Some of the discussion has been centered around delegating the tasks that don't need to be done by us as owners, and I was excited to read a passage of scripture during my quiet time a few mornings ago!

Acts 6:1-7 talks about how the 12 apostles knew they were called to spend time in prayer, spread the GOOD NEWS of Jesus and The Word of God so that the number of believers would continue to grow.  They were getting complaints within the group of believers that people were unhappy with how food was being managed and distributed.  So, instead of becoming distracted with these types of tasks, they came together and developed a plan to delegate so that they could stay doing the things that moved the needle in their "business" (their "business" was spreading God' message of hope and freedom in Jesus). So, they found 7 people that were wise and filled with the Holy Spirit to take over management and distribution of the food.  They DELEGATED. 


So how do we decide what to delegate?  Let me introduce you to Eisenhower's Matrix!  There are four categories in Eisenhower's matrix that will help you decide what YOU need to do now, what needs scheduled, what you can DELEGATE, and what you can/should delete (my favorite category!!!).  I explain how to determine what goes in each category and I also give some examples.  I hope this episode sets you free to delegate in your business and personal life in whatever stage of business and life you are in!


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