Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

17. Serving Through Selling Workshop from December 12th inside Small Business Community for Women Facebook Group

Thank you for joining me for another episode of Small Business Sales & Strategy Podcast!  Today's episode is a workshop recording from my *FREE* Facebook Community (CLICK HERE TO JOIN!) called Serving Through Selling!  I talk about the definition of sales, how to effectively communicate with your customers, team, and in personal relationships when trying to persuade or convince your buyer, and how to use those skills to serve your customers and community well!

Whether it's speaking at your next event, training you and your team on the sales process or refining your sales skills, or developing a sales and marketing strategy that works for you and your business, I'd love to hear from you so let's connect!  You can email me at or you can schedule a Connection Call through the link on my website linked here:

I look forward to hearing from you!


My best,


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