Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

11. Social Media Content Pillars for Social Media Content Planning

Hello friends!  Last week we talked about social media in terms of how often your content is shows to your audience, how short attention spans can be, and how to effectively catch the attention of your target market.  In today's episode, I share how often a buyer needs to see your content before they know your business or service or product exists before they know they can buy from you.  Match that information with short attention spans and algorithms and we know we have to be clear and concise with our messaging.  We do that by creating social media content pillars that we will use to decide our content.  I discuss what they are and give examples of content pillars that you can use.  Once you have your content pillars, you can map out your social media marketing plan for the week, month, quarter, or even year! 


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I'm praying for you and your business!  


My best,


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